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Sage 300cloud Web Screen Keyboard Shortcuts

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Web Screen - Sage 300
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Data entry is unavoidable in accounting, but that work doesn’t have to take up so much time. When entering a large number of transactions, switching between your keyboard and mouse can be ineffective. It slow-down your speed of data entry and also breaks your concentration which may cause errors in entry and accounting.

Until the Sage 300cloud 2021 version, keyboard shortcuts weren’t available on web screens. But with the new release of versions, there are a set of keyboard shortcuts available on the screen that will save you time navigating and performing some functions on your Sage 300cloud web screen.

Find below lists of Keyboard shortcuts in Sage 300 Web Screen 2022 :

Keyboard Shortcuts for data entry.

Enter Apply changes to the field you are editing.
Tab Go to the next field.
Fn + Pg Up Go to the top of the window in view.
Fn +PgDn Go to the bottom of the window in view.
Shift + Tab Go to the previous field.
Alt + Down Arrow Open the Finder for the field you are editing if there is a Finder.
Esc Close Finders, Pop-up screens, messages.


Keyboard Shortcuts to navigate and enter information in detail tables.

Enter Apply changes to the field you are editing.
Left or Right Arrow Scroll left or right in the table.
Shift + Tab Go to the previous field.
Tab Go to the next field.
Up or Down Arrow Go up or down one row.


Keyboard Shortcuts for in Finder to navigate through results and selected records.

Up or Down Arrow Go up or down one row in the table of results.
Fn + Pg Up If the table displays multiple pages of results, go to the previous page.
Fn + PgDn If the table displays multiple pages of results, go to the next page.
Fn + Home If the table displays multiple pages of results, go to the first page.
Fn + End If the table displays multiple pages of results, go to the last page.
Enter Select the record that is highlighted in the table of results.

 Find below some examples of keyboard shortcuts with images:

1. Alt + Down Arrow:

Web Screen

In the above image, the Invoice Number field is highlighted.

Now, if the user presses Alt + Down arrow key then it will open the finder for the invoice number field. Refer to the below image.

Sage 300cloud- Web Screen

2. Esc:

Sage 300cloud

In the above image, we can see that the finder pop-up screen for the invoice number field is opened.

Now, if the user clicks the Esc key then, this finder pop-up screen will be closed. Refer below the image where the finder pop-up screen is closed and the Invoice entry main page is displayed.

Sage 300cloud

3. Fn + End:

Sage 300cloud

In the above image, we can see that the Finder pop-up screen of the Item number is opened where we can select the item for entry.

As you can see there are multiple items pages listed and we are on the first page of the items list.

Now, suppose we want to navigate to the last page of resulted items then we can use the shortcut key Fn + End.

Refer to the image where we can see the last page of the resulted list.

Sage 300cloud

4. Fn + Home:

Sage 300cloud

In the above image, we can see that the Finder pop-up screen of the Item number is opened where we select the item for entry.

As you can see there are multiple items pages listed and we are on the last page of the items list.

Now, suppose we want to navigate to the first page of resulted items then we can use the shortcut key Fn + Home.

Refer to the below image where we can see the first page of the resulted list.

Sage 300cloud



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