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food allergy management

According to the EuroPrevall-INCO survey, food allergy was found to be 0.14% in children across 2 participating Indian centers, although the sensitization rate was only 19.1% to food allergens in Indian children. This data tells us that although the sensitization rate is higher, clinically-relevant food allergies are pretty low. Another research conducted amongst the adult population across 2 centers in Karnataka showed an above-average sensitization rate of 26.5%, whereas the rate of probable food allergy was a meager 1.2%.

So, what do you need to manage allergies in the food industry?

This guidebook will cover which ingredients are the most significant source of allergies, compliances you need to adhere to, the steps in the process that call for greater scrutiny, and business management solutions like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that will enable you to take all the challenges head-on