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Mobile Sales Force Automation: Choosing the Right Mobile Tools for CRM in the Field

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Mobile Sales Force Automation: What to look out for

If ERP and CRM are the first level of automation among enterprises, enabling Sales Force automation (SFA) is the first step towards application mobility. Most of the sales force in organizations are constantly on the move. In recent times, Mobility has become very important in equipping the sales force with a mobile application that connects a sales representative to the ERP application running at the head-office.

Mobile SFA, also a function of CRM, is being widely implemented at many enterprises as it is proving to be beneficial in cracking deals as it gives real-time access to the required inventory or customer information and thus, speeds up the process of closing the deal. The other advantage of Mobile Sales Force Automation is that, in case a sales representative wants a report or detail of a sample immediately, he can access it from a mobile device or a website.

Reduction in handheld pricing sheets, inventory details and cheaper connectivity are spurring the adoption of mobile SFA and concepts like BYOD. Mobile Sales Force Automation has emerged as one of the top applications for mobile platforms. One of the reasons for the same is the nature of the work. There are two reasons for increased adoption of SFA applications for mobile platforms. “Firstly, the large ‘on the road’ component of the business process wherein most of the sales team is either travelling or is at the customer / partner site for the greater part of the business day. Secondly, the productivity gains achieved by capturing the latest data at the right time as against capturing it once a day or once a week are immense.” 

Even though a company’s Sales Force is easy to automate, it is still not done by the management. A lot of this is rooted in the misconception that a lot of Infrastructure is needed to manage the same and only the Sales Force will be automated, what about the other process? Will there be more cost involved in streamlining them?

The simple answer to this is implementing a robust and scalable CRM Solution – Sage CRM which will function not only as mobility for Sales force, but also streamlining the entire processes within the company. You cannot go in this competitive market with outdated technology. Apart from the product, how you service the customers and how you handle their queries matter a lot and that is also one of the reason that the customer may choose a particular brand.

While looking for a perfect CRM, here are some tips that might help you. For more details, You can also write to Sage Software Solutions at

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