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Poor Pipeline Visibility? Improve Your Sales Pipeline Analysis with Sage CRM

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Sales Pipeline Analysis with Sage CRM
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Is your Business missing out on the most promising customers from old times? Have you still not gained the confidence by winning some of the sales, as you still lose others? Does forecasting still feel like a painful and heavy-duty process? What lacks in here is nothing but the reliability of the system used for maintaining the sales analytical data in order to calculate and maintain the efficiency and productivity of the Sales pipeline with Sales Pipeline Analysis with Sage CRM.

According to research, 80% of SMEs are using Excel to manage their Sales Pipeline Analysis with Sage CRM. Due to its familiarity, it has been a popular choice of many Sales managers to opt for spreadsheets to manage the Sales deals data which is a cheap and effective method to boost sales. However, the familiarity and convenience of Excel does not always translate into efficiency and productivity, especially with a high volume of deals every week. It is easy to work with less than 10 deals at a time, but when it comes to high volume looking at layers of spreadsheet data and trying to come up with a coherent sales forecast can be soul-destroying.

In today’sdigitally-connected world, sales and marketing teams are now more data-driven than ever before. This means that not only do we have access to a wealth of information to work with, but we’re also far more accountable for it.

A well-managed sales data helps in creating a clear Sales pipeline, a visual snapshot that helps in identifying where the prospects are in the sales process. It helps in getting a clear idea of how many deals salespeople are expected to close in a given week, month or quarter and how close a sales representative is to reaching their sales quota.

Improve Your Sales Pipeline Analysis with Sage CRM as below –
  1. Reduce time spent on admin–If you spend hours and hours of every month in reporting by making various combinations of data in order to get that one Report with proper data, you are missing out on what really matters most; and that is Selling.

With Sage CRM, pipeline analysis come with an ease, allowing you to get the visibility of team performance, checking on sales quotas and examining monthly trends. Sales Pipeline Analysis with Sage CRM comes with in-built analytics and reporting options that helps the business predict sales growth, show conversion rates and get a fair idea of prospect’s journey through the sales pipeline.

  1. Update your pipeline regularly – Sales pipeline keeps on changing constantly. New Leads gets added, leads move from one stage to another and the deals are closed. If you are not careful, your sales pipeline will start getting little disorganized and chaotic thereby depicting incorrect information and worst it could also lead in losing sales.

To avoid this, CRM allows on keeping an eye on every sales record with the help of timely notifications for no actions performed, adding regular notes and information for each stage of the sales process, keeping a note of the ageing of the records and so on.

  1. Identify leaks and plug them – Prospects may drop out due to insufficient budget, wrong timing, or even lack of principle at the solution your business offer. With Sage CRM, Business can easily record this information to identify patterns or the particular stages at which the prospects usually tend to get stuck or drop out. Working on the weak areas highlighted or observed through CRM can help in reviewing your Sales process and optimizing it in order to introduce new sales tactics or an additional stage to reduce the drop – out rate.
  2. Smarter working with integration–Sage CRM integrations has proved to go a long way in assisting a busy sales team by helping them focus on the right thing at the right time. Emails, Calendar and Marketing Campaign integrations can help in automating previously complex tasks, eliminating the manual intervention for data entry across multiple platforms.

Accessibility of Sage CRM through Mobile client is another added advantage. For Sales people, having CRM data at their fingertips simply means they can catch up with the follow ups on time-sensitive leads and avoid missing any profitable opportunities on the go. In short, having access to sales data in real time is much valuable as well as profitable for the business.

Thus, having access to Sage CRM’s improved as well as automated Sales pipeline is the key intelligence formula for an improved customer experience as well as allowing your sales team to follow up on leads quickly and with all the relevant information.

At Sage Software Solutions (P) Ltd., we are home to world-class ERP software and CRM software that will solidify your business tech support fundamentals and enable you to build a customer-centric organization. You can also write to us at

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