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What Is Sales Management? | Meaning, Techniques And Tools

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Sales Management
Reading Time: 8 minutes

What is Sales Management?

Sales Management is a continuous & coordinated activity that includes various sub-processes such as drafting a cohesive sales strategy, planning, implementing, training, motivating, identifying niche markets, cold calling, and adopting innovation & modern technology to optimize organizational sales, and drive revenue & growth.

Sales Management is a broader process that requires a deeper understanding of the organization’s products & services, business operations, and sales techniques. In today’s highly competitive and ever-changing business environment, companies employ dedicated sales management teams that provide personalized experience to prospective clients, and tailor their marketing efforts to close deals faster, track the performance of different marketing campaigns, and predict future outcomes.

What is the Scope of Sales Management?

After discussing the sales management definition, let’s understand the critical scope of sales management.

  • Sales Operation: The sales management has to hire, nurture, and train the talent. The employee must adhere to the organizational culture while generating sales.
  • Formulating Strategy: This involves outlining action, setting goals, emphasizing Brand Management to build a positive image, and expanding the existing customer base.
  • Finding Anomalies: The role of a manager involves analyzing sales data and patterns, like monitoring daily sales data. It may involve the use of dedicated systems.

What Are the Types of Sales Management?

There are four broad types of sales management based on sales management definition, each requiring a niche set of sales management skills.

Business to Customer (B2C) Business to Business (B2B) Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Enterprise Sales Management
Target Audience Individual Users Business Users Individuals/ Businesses Large Enterprises
Product Offerings Consumer goods & services Business products & services Cloud services/ Computer software Tailored/ personalised solutions
Transaction Volume Smaller Larger Smaller/ Larger (depending on target audience) Larger
Transaction Duration Short Long Short/ Long (depending on target audience) Long
Revenue Model One-time purchases Contract-based payments Recurring revenue model (monthly/ annually) Custom pricing model

1. Business to Customer (B2C)

B2C sales are intended to target goods and services directly to the customers. Lead generation and conversion are the two most important sales management skills required for B2C sales management. Sales managers implementing integrated customer relationship management software can increase the visibility and efficiency of the sales channel, leading to improved productivity.

2. Business to Business (B2B)

Business-to-business sales focus on building long-term successful relationships with business clients to drive sustainable growth through dedicated software for lead management. A sales manager in the B2B role will work closely with the sales team, set goals, and conduct training. Typically, B2B transactions involve more educated buyers and higher turnover compared to B2C.

3. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

Other types of sales management include SaaS. A SaaS company selling subscription-based computer applications may focus on subscription-based products that are charged monthly and yearly. The sales manager would be required to formulate effective communication and monitor the sales channel to achieve sales targets and maximize revenue.

4. Enterprise Sales Management

Enterprise sales mean selling directly to large enterprises. Usually, it involves complex sales processes and multiple teams, such as sales engineers. Because such deals can take months to conclude, the sales manager must get deeply involved in the process and build strong relationships with clients.

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What are the Functions of Sales Management?

As per our sales management meaning, the sales management is typically responsible for the following functions:

1. Define Targets

One of the key responsibilities of a sales manager is to define sales targets that can be achieved. By running reports produced by the sales team, the manager can calculate an achievable target.

2. Sales Process Management

The manager must monitor the sales process actively, like ensuring every lead is dealt with promptly and efficiently.

3. Improving Process Efficiency

It includes improving the sales process’s efficiency by finding the best leads, measuring the elasticity of demand, and concluding leads to boost sales.

4. Performance Monitoring

The importance of monitoring sales person’s performance and stepping into the leadership role, including identifying discrepancies, and recognizing performing members.

5. Reporting Higher Management

The sales manager is responsible for regular meetings with the higher management and providing them with the data-backed sales reports, and target vs actual.

Role of Sales Managers in the Sales Management Process

Now that we’ve discussed everything from what is sales management, it’s scope & type, let us understand the role of a sales manager.

1. Sales Prediction

A sales manager is involved in planning strategies and identifying future opportunities to drive business. Another important task of a sales manager is sales forecasting. They would research historical data to analyze sales prospects.

2. Budget Estimation

The role of a sales manager requires exceptional leadership skills, great analytical and communication abilities, and profound knowledge of the industry. The manager needs to estimate the expenses required to carry out sales-related activities. Preparing a budget is important to ensure all sales activities are conducted without hurdles.

3. Employee Training

Employee training is highly essential in today’s era of modern technology and increasing consumer awareness. Once new employees are hired, the manager must conduct training to help them achieve the desired targets.

4. Acquiring New Clients

The sales manager is responsible for acquiring & retaining customers and finding cross-sales opportunities targeting the existing customers. He has to maintain a regular conversation with the customers through different marketing channels.

5. Monitoring Sales Performance

The job role of a sales manager includes managing the sales team — motivating and leading them to achieve goals. It includes monitoring the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) metrics regularly to get the desired results.

7 Sales Management Strategies to Close Deals Faster

Successful sales management techniques include hiring, training, monitoring, and measuring the performance of the team to achieve sales goals.

1. Setting Realistic Goals

As a frontline manager, while you want to achieve the highest target daily, it is important to set realistic goals for your team. A frontline manager impacts the team’s performance of the team and needs to understand the team’s capacity to achieve targets. A realistic target is challenging and achievable at the same time.

2. Hiring Right People

One of the key roles of a sales manager involves selecting the right team. Having said that, you must hire people aligned with your enterprise goals and appreciate your products and services. Finding the right team is critical for making or breaking your objectives.

3. Fostering Positive Culture

The sales team usually deals with higher stress than any other team in an organization You can achieve a positive culture in your team by hiring the right people in the team, organizing team bonding activities, and promoting health competition through recognition and encouragement.

4. Removing Barriers

Helping your team overcome barriers will allow you to build a stronger workforce. Putting efforts into identifying individual shortcomings and working to help team members overcome their problems requires a wholesome approach. It comprises of on-the-job training, mock practices, implementing feedback structure, and encouraging & recognizing the talent.

5. Skill Development

You can promote skills by introducing continuous learning and development programs in your sales management process. Training programs are also important in realigning the sales team with the changing goals of the organization or the competitive landscapes.

6. Feedback Loop

This involves creating a robust feedback process that can improve the productivity of your sales team. As a sales manager, you can devise a feedback program by monitoring the work of your team, encouraging individual and group discussions, incorporating training programs that align with the competency matrix, and organizing review sessions.

7. Be The Leader

A true sales manager provides motivation and support to his team, understands their pain points, and resolves issues whenever needed. You can encourage your team to learn the importance of sales management techniques such as staying updated with the industry trends, understanding competition, maintaining good rapport with clients, etc.

Importance of Sales Management for Businesses

Every business thrives on effective sales management for revenue generation and growth. Here’s why effective sales management is more important than ever:

1. Higher Profitability

The ultimate goal of a business is to generate income by selling goods and services. Sales is a critical commercial activity to generate revenue and profit for the organization. Without effective sales management, no company can survive.

2. Accurate Forecasting

Another importance of sales management is accurate forecasting of the sales volume for making future predictions. The scope of sales management includes data analysis that can lead to forecast reliability and reduce revenue variability.

3. Build Customer Loyalty

Customer satisfaction increases when their requirements are met on time. Moreover, an increased number of satisfied customers and a positive image of the company results in more sales. Effective sales management processes not only help you meet targets but also keep your team loyal.

4. Enhance Productivity

You can boost the productivity of your team by implementing stronger strategies and maintaining past performance sheets. When you have visibility of the process, you can identify and fix issues before its late, increasing performance and profitability.

5. Monetary Savings

Money spent on advertising, marketing, and sales without research and planning is money wasted. Sales Management involves evaluating customer’s needs, market research, and saving significant money in the long run.

5 Tools for Effective Sales Management Process

Modern managers can leverage the following technologies to get better visibility in the sales process, monitor performance, and boost the conversion rate.

1. Sales Management System

Sales management system have enabled managers to integrate functions of sales management into their existing systems and get an all-rounded view of their sales channels and performance metrics. The use of such dedicated systems helps decision-makers with strong data-driven decisions.

2. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Sales CRM is a dedicated application to manage the sales of an organization. A CRM offers a centralized view of all sales data for sales managers, including individual performance monitoring and channel bottlenecks. With a CRM, the sales and marketing teams can track customer interactions at different stages and ensure timely follow-ups.

3. Instant Messaging Apps

Instant messaging apps have made communication real-time. Applications like Teams, Google Meet, and WhatsApp have allowed the sales team to communicate among themselves and with customers easily and fast. These applications offer services like direct messaging, group communication, and file sharing that are useful for remote sales.

4. Email Marketing Software

Email is a potential marketing tool that can help you to boost sales of your business. These applications allow you to design effective communication for potential customers and maintain relationships with existing ones. With email automation tools you can easily create personalized emails for your customers and even track the performance of email campaigns.

5. Project Management Tools

Project management software is a real lifesaver for sales managers. With a project management tool, the manager can create visual steps of the functions of the sales management and help the team manage their work easily. The dashboard lets you plan, create, set deadlines, and monitor progress.

Closing Thoughts

In recent times, the sales process has become more data-driven with the help of modern tools & technologies. Companies are adopting ERP Software for identifying growth opportunities, enhancing forecasting accuracy, and drilling down granular views of sales activities.

Sage X3 is an exceptional solution that allows managers to get a holistic understanding of the entire sales process through front and back-office integration. With complete visibility of manufacturing and inventory, they can formulate the right strategy, make accurate forecasting, and maximize profits.


1. What is the Sales Management Definition?

Sales management meaning is that it is a business activity that focuses on implementing a diverse set of techniques for boosting organizational sales performance & increasing revenue. It includes hiring, training, guiding, and monitoring sales teams.

2. How Can Sales Teams Effectively Boost Customer Relationships?

Maintaining long-term relationships with customers is one of the key responsibilities of the sales team. Here are some steps they can follow to foster stronger bonds with customers.

  • Providing personalized solutions
  • Demonstrating expertise through knowledge
  • Regularly interacting with customers to understand their needs
  • Following ethical sales practices & disclosing true information
  • Upgrading customer service through modern tech (apps, AI-based chats)

3. What Sales Management Skills Are Required for a Sales Manager?

A sales manager must don the hats of a leader, mentor, motivator, communicator, etc. The most essential skills that sales managers need are communication skills, leadership ability, analytical skills, time management skills, training, and strategizing.

4. What Are the Four Basic Elements of Managing Sales?

The four elements of sales process management include planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.

  • Planning refers to setting sales goals and strategies to achieve those. 
  • Organizing is the stage of creating a sales plan and delegating work
  • Leading involves motivating the team to achieve goals
  • Controlling is monitoring performance and reporting 

5. What Are the Critical KPIs Monitored by the Sales Manager?

The KPIs that a sales manager will monitor include Growth in Revenue, Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), Sales Conversion Rate, Average Deal Size, Customer Satisfaction Score, and Sales in the Pipeline.

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