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What Is Go Live In ERP?

Sage X3

What is the go live phase in an ERP project?

Go live in ERP is the point in time when your ERP moves from the test environment (technically known as, Sandbox environment) to the production environment, and becomes available for use organization-wide to the employees, management, and other stakeholders involved.

At the instance of the process, your new ERP system becomes formally and officially available to the users who can start initiating their transactions in the new system. In enterprise resource planning terms, it is specifically connected with the systems that manage business operations such as HCM, CRM, ERP, logistics, financial, or marketing systems.

How Do You Ensure Your Go-live Is Successful?

  1. Develop a Comprehensive Go-live Plan:

Before deciding to go live with your new ERP application, it’s important to make a comprehensive plan that outlines the instructions, employee-specific responsibilities, and timelines. Be sure to allocate wiggle room for any delays and discrepancies that may arise.

  1. Identify and Assess the Potential Risks

As you head towards the go-live phase, make a list of all potential scenarios that could arise and disrupt your business activities. It will help you become prepared to face any kind of risk and minimize the impact of the potential risks.

  1. Establish Clear & Consistent Communication Channel

Build a single communication channel for providing timely updates throughout the entire go-live. Make sure that the employees proficient in the system will be available to address any challenges faced throughout the entire phase.

  1. Create a Go-live Checklist & Important Notes

Make a checklist that includes a timeline of all tasks that should be carried out before switching off the old system, and after making the new system live. For example, conduct a backup of your business data. Your business may also need to notify your customers about how the change will affect them.

  1. Conduct a Rehearsal

Before starting the actual go-live, conduct a rehearsal in the test environment. Conducting a rehearsal will boost the confidence of your employees, make them familiar with the new system and different ERP modules, and provide you an opportunity to identify risks before they potentially impact your business operations.

  1. Deploy New System in a Phased Manner (Start Actual Go-live)

Making a sudden, organization-wide change is inherently risky as it has the possibility of disrupting your entire business operations. In contrast, deploying your new system in a phased manner will help you understand potential challenges, and risks before they impact organization-wide. After you’re confident that your best ERP software in India is ready to go, you can deploy it in a phased manner throughout different departments and functionaries.

  1. Bug Testing & Reporting

Testing is an essential part of the ERP deployment. Encourage and reward employees to test the new system and report potential bugs. Even though some bugs may appear insignificant, they may have the capability to affect a significant part of your business operations if multiple employees face them concurrently.


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Cloud And Standalone ERP Go-lives

Even though ERP implementation of large-scale on-premises ERP is outdated when compared to the standards on systems and cloud-based systems the go-live process is still the important element. In order to avoid any kind of failure, an ERP go-live for little implementation will also require best-in-class project management that will ensure success for the business.

However, these factors are required to generate a go-live session that should include a strong business case along with expert business leadership, deep change management analysis, and training, critical testing, comprehensive rural plans, and respective plans for attending details such as accessing accurate data.

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