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Top 10 Benefits of ERP for Businesses in 2023

What is ERP Software?

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is an all-encompassing software that provides enterprise-wide integration and real-time visibility into different business aspects such as production, inventory, quality management, risk management, supply chain, sales, customer service, and financial reporting.

ERP software provides a consistent interface across different business departments to manage and simplify their activities. It builds a unified database that facilitates a smooth flow of information and provides a complete view of business performance with actionable insights to facilitate better planning, and decision-making, and increase competitiveness.

10 Benefits of ERP for Modern Businesses

ERP benefits businesses of all sizes and types. Here are some ways your business can transform itself through ERP deployment:
ERP benefits infographic

▸ Gauge Market Elasticity

ERP helps businesses understand the customer’s needs, and assist with various other tasks such as lead generation, and invoice generation. Moreover, it can perform analysis of historical data to identify market trends, consumer behavior, and changing market conditions.

▸ Automated Stock Refill

The inventory management system in ERP entirely transforms the procurement process and minimizes delays and disruptions in production activity. For example, it supports both Replenishment Automation and Lot-for-Lot Replenishment methods. The former automatically replenishes the inventory every time the stock reaches a certain threshold, whereas the latter replenishes the stock every time an existing stock is sold in the market.

▸ Financial Reports Generation

One of the other benefits of ERP includes streamlining financial report generation. It automates the complex process of generating financial reports such as the Balance Sheet, and Income Statement. Businesses can benefit from the automation of cash flow projections, accounts receivables, and accounts payables. The AP Automation streamlines vendor invoice generation tasks. In contrast, AR Automation streamlines the management of the Accounts Receivable leader and automated invoice delivery. These reports provide deep insights into the financial position of the company, eliminate human errors, and improve audit-friendliness.

▸ Global Business Operation

Businesses can leverage the various risk and compliance management tools in the ERP to operate at a global level. Tax compliance, financial reports generation, audit trails, sustainability, end-to-end traceability, and value creation, become easier with a multi-language, multi-country, and multi-currency ERP.

▸ Cost Savings

Indian ERP software brings automation which reduces the amount of time and effort required to perform day-to-day business tasks. Not only does it improve accuracy, and bring down human errors, but also results in significantly lower operational and overhead costs. With less data entry, your employees can focus on value-added tasks to increase profitability and accomplish strategic business objectives.

▸ Enhanced Customer Support

Among other benefits of ERP is its ability to serve customers better. ERP builds a complete repository of customer data and provides a holistic view of customer information including their contact information, order history, warranty details, and complaints. This helps businesses identify cross-selling opportunities, and make customer-centric decisions.

▸ Sustain Quality Standards

Manufacturing deficiencies can cost businesses significant money in terms of returns, replacements, and warranty repairs, among others. ERP eliminates such myriad problems by streamlining & transforming the manufacturing process and providing early defect identification mechanisms.

▸ Powerful Forecasting Tools

Business Management Software helps with planning, forecasting, and predictive analysis. With ERP, businesses can make informed analyses and strongly data-backed assumptions about future occurrences, and benefit from high accuracy and time savings. Some of the examples include estimating sales, customer demands, stock availability, equipment failure, and downtimes.

▸ Improved Cash Flow

A healthy cash flow is essential for businesses to pay for everyday expenditures. Not only does ERP provide insights into your company’s cash flows, but also it helps maintain a healthy cash flow.

Top 10 Industries that Benefit the Most from ERP Deployment

The deployment of ERP benefits different industries and sectors. Here are some of the possible instances:

1. Manufacturing

Manufacturing ERP software revolutionizes the manufacturing industry in numerous ways from improving the production capacity, vendor management, and planning & forecasting, to maintaining consistency in product quality. ERP keeps track of suppliers and sends automated purchase orders every time the stock reaches a certain threshold.

2. Automotive

The automotive industry leverages the forecasting tools in the ERP for automotive industry to identify seasonal trends, predict vehicle sales, and keep optimum inventory levels. By reducing out-of-stock and excess inventory items, they can prevent customer dissatisfaction, reduce inventory costs, and maintain a positive brand image.

3. Chemical

Using ERP for chemical industry, chemical industries can evaluate supplier quality & efficiency, reduce the margin of errors, minimize paperwork & labor work, and control high operational costs in the ever-expanding & complex business. ERP streamlines various regulatory tasks, making it easier for chemical companies to comply with rigorous regulations.

4. Plastic

ERP for plastic industry empowers the plastic industry with various tools and features that improve production efficiency, schedule production, identify & correct production bottlenecks, and make timely delivery of products.

5. Furniture

ERP for furniture industry enables furniture manufacturers to create standard design templates to build a combination of furniture products of exceptional quality and get a competitive edge. It facilitates a centralized platform that is not only easy to use, but also fully customizable, and flexible.

6. Medical Devices

ERP benefits the medical device manufacturing industry as well. ERP software for medical devices helps medical device manufacturers comply with efficient production scheduling, streamline quality assurance processes, improve on-time delivery, and leverage powerful forecasting tools, and complex regulatory requirements.

7. Alcohol Industry

ERP for alcohol industry mitigates various challenges faced by the alcohol & distillery industry. ERP benefits for the alcohol and distillery industry include real-time collaboration with the accounting partner, seamless sharing of data, tracking and classifying products through their shelf life, and Lot tracking and traceability, among others.

8. Food Industry

ERP for food industry enables tracking ingredients, creating and managing formulations, and complying with various domestic and international food safety standards. Moreover, businesses can optimize their production capacity, reduce costs, and benefit from simplified stock management.

9. Packaging Industry

ERP for packaging industry empowers businesses with quality assessment and control, document control, and inventory management capabilities. They can adopt sustainable practices and lower wastage.

10. Filter Manufacturing

Filter manufacturers benefit from ERP software for filters manufacturing in numerous ways. ERP brings greater adaptability to the business, and it can faster respond to market changes. Scheduling production, budget planning, and managing company-wide sales become easier than ever.

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How to Make the Optimum Use of ERP for Greater Benefits?

▸  Define Your Objectives

In order to make the optimum and efficient use of the ERP, it’s important to define the objectives. Conduct thorough research to identify the areas of business operations that can benefit from the ERP implementation.

Choose the Right ERP

Be sure to choose an ERP that meets the strategic objectives of your business, and aligns with your long-term goals. Make sure that the ERP contains all the modules and functionalities required in your everyday business operations.

Develop a Comprehensive Plan

Develop a comprehensive plan for ERP implementation in a phased manner. The plan may contain a timeline of phased implementation, meeting schedules, roles, and responsibilities of the Project Team employees, and the resources required throughout the process.

Clean Existing Data

Before migrating your data from existing legacy systems to the new ERP, it’s important to clean and validate it first. This ensures improved data accuracy, reduced data storage costs, and accurate reporting.

Integration with External Tools

If you’re using your ERP with the legacy tools, you will want to integrate it for seamless data flow. The actual process may differ from product to product. You may also want to consult with the ERP vendor and vendor of your legacy tool.

▸ Train Your Employees

Regular employee training can help in numerous ways. It helps your employees acquire the relevant skills, improve engagement, and align with the strategic goals set by the Management.

▸ Customize ERP

Every business is unique and has different needs. ERP can be customized to meet the unique requirements of each business. Customizing your ERP can help reduce time, improve productivity, and make the maximum use of organizational resources.

▸ Hide Unnecessary Reports

ERP is an all-encompassing software that provides comprehensive reports on different business operations such as production efficiency, vendor performance, warehouse operations, sales performance, and financial health, among others. If you don’t need to view specific reports, you can hide or disable them.

▸ Performance Monitoring

Testing and performance monitoring are important steps to ensure your ERP is working efficiently. An untested ERP can cause errors, data inconsistencies or disrupt business operations.

▸ Employee Feedback

It’s important to regularly consult with employees who use ERP in their day-to-day activities. Employee feedback can play an important role in improving the ERP performance, identifying any issues with the system, and taking corrective measures.

▸ Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) help you measure the success of your ERP through different metrics. Defining KPIs and regularly monitoring them is an essential task to leverage the maximum use of the ERP.

Update ERP

Keeping your ERP up-to-date is essential to get access to the latest features, and fix performance bottlenecks, and system vulnerabilities. ERP vendors regularly release updates and patches that fix vulnerabilities to protect the security and integrity of your system, and the confidentiality of your critical business information.

Which ERP Would Be Right For Your Business?

In order to reap the benefits of ERP, you need to select the right type of ERP suitable for your organization’s needs and requirements.

1. On-premise ERP

On-premise ERP is deployed on the company’s IT infrastructure. It is typically considered more secure because the company retains complete control over the system and any data stored on it.

However, ERP cost is a major drawback. In order to set up and maintain an on-premise ERP, the company needs to deploy a specialized workforce. Typically, it offers more customizations compared to Cloud ERP.


  • The company remains in full control of the data

  • Provides robust customization options

  • Facilitates integration with existing legacy tools


  • Heavy upfront cost

  • Requires a dedicated workforce

  • Implementing and maintaining the system can be a complex process

2. Cloud ERP

Cloud ERP is a vendor-managed ERP that is delivered through a Software-as-a-service model. It doesn’t require outright upfront licensing and hardware costs. It doesn’t require setting up a dedicated IT workforce. This makes it a popular choice for several small and medium-sized companies. It requires ongoing Internet access to create, manage, and access user data.


  • Cost-effective option with monthly/ annual subscriptions

  • The vendor is responsible for updating and maintaining the system

  • Provides remote accessibility


  • Confidential business data is stored on the vendor’s servers

  • Limited customization options

  • Internet dis-connectivity issues can disrupt business operations

3. Hybrid ERP

Hybrid ERP is a combination of both On-premise and Cloud ERP. It offers a balance of both the traditional On-premise ERP and modern Cloud ERP to provide the benefits of both systems in a single solution.


  • Has lower upfront costs compared to On-premise ERP

  • The maintenance and updates are managed by the ERP vendor

  • It can be adjusted to meet the specific business requirements


  • The company has limited control over the configuration environment

  • The data is stored on the vendor’s servers

  • Offers limited customization options

What are the Disadvantages of ERP?

While ERP offers immense benefits, there are some disadvantages as well:

▸  Upfront Costs

ERPs come with a significant upfront cost. Deploying ERP requires a significant investment in the license cost, hardware degradation cost, training, and maintenance costs.

▸  Complex Nature

While ERPs offer numerous capabilities, they are complex in nature and require regular training. Investing in training and support is essential to get the best out of the implementation.

▸  No Immediate Results

Time commitment is one of the many disadvantages of ERP. ERPs are a long-term investment, which requires patience and time commitment. Merely using the ERP will not transform the business overnight.

▸  Data Migration Problems

Migrating data from one system to another can be a cumbersome task. Due to variations in the data format, data structures, and other reasons, the company may have to depend on third-party tools.

▸  Resistance to Change

The lack of employee involvement is one of the disadvantages of ERP. Employees who are resistant to change or adopt new technological advancements may refuse to adapt it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The use of ERP allows your business to leverage automation, minimize inventory costs, and optimize customer fulfillment. It also helps improve the cash flow by automatically generating invoices and taking proactive steps to receive your payments.

There are different advantages of ERP. It helps you reduce operational and administrative costs while improving quality and efficiency. With real-time access to up-to-date information, intuitive reports, and customized dashboards, your business will become agile and make better & informed decisions.

  • Streamlines workflow

  • Facilitates up-to-the-minute access to business data

  • Brings efficiency and productivity

  • Supply Chain Optimization

  • Efficient inventory management

  • Mobile access

  • Cost-efficient

  • Accessibility

  • Provides real-time insights straight on your mobile

  • Flexibility & scalability

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