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How to Use ERP Software?

What is an ERP System?

An ERP software is the most popular choice among professionals who are planning to achieve a streamlined business. As per the recent reports, around 50% of the businesses are planning to upgrade ERP systems for enhanced business efficiencies. From this, it is pretty clear that ERP incorporation is growing rapidly in the market which apparently predicts that ERP systems would hit the market with around $70 billion by 2026. 

Enterprise resource planning ERP system manages, controls, and integrates business operations via interconnected modules. However, businesses deploy ERP to improve and grow their communication levels among employees and also to optimize processes. The main functions of enterprise resource planning include supply chain management, customer relationship management (CRM), accounting, delivery planning, timesheets, shipping, and more. 

There are 3 different types of ERP systems. They are On-premise ERP, Hybrid ERP, and Cloud ERP having outstanding features and performance metrics.

  • On-premise software is the best way to customize and alter business-specific requirements that would track and secure business data. 
  • A cloud-based ERP hosts an on-cloud computing platform and enables to access services via the internet. 
  • Hybrid ERP is also known as a two-tier model that combines cloud and on-premise ERP functionalities delivering high-class outputs. 

In this article, we will see how to use ERP software to scale up your business. 

How to Use ERP Software?


Deploying ERP software is a huge investment for businesses. Hence, you should utilize ERP systems for better efficiency, cost cuttings, and errors that will apparently result in greater productivity, performance, and profits.So, to make the most out of this, you should learn how to use an ERP system and how does it work.

The following are some tips and tricks to make effective use of the ERP and better understand how to interact with the new system, become more efficient using it, and complete your tasks more quickly.

▸ Get Insights Into Business Processes

It is quintessential to track and review your business processes while choosing any ERP system. It helps you make a better track of different processes that beads your attention and thus, results in better ROI. In short, get proper reviews of your business functions so that you can deploy better ERP software at the business place.

▸ Provide Excellent Training

Offering training to employees plays a very crucial role and you should never underestimate its significance. Hence, in order to make the most of the ERP system, you should train your employees with the proper usage and implementation of it. The trained employees can easily handle the upgrades and changes in the system and can assist in making informed decisions faster.

Since the ERP systems are constantly updating, it is essential to train your employees often to stay updated. However, working with your enterprise resource planning ERP vendor in order to settle ongoing training sessions enables you to elevate the knowledge and experience since the software becomes more improvised.

▸ High Real-time Data Quality 

An efficient ERP system can help manage and track the thorough data flow. However, the data should be rich and accurate enough to access. To make the most of an ERP system, it is mandatory to raise the designing standards of data entry that would deal with document version handling. Also, you should see whether the best data practices have been circulated throughout all departments.

Also, you can consider data audits as well as batch cleansing in order to check if the standards are being updated or not. However, cleaning incorrect data can consume a lot of time and hence it should be done at the first instance only.

▸ Customized ERP Systems

ERP software has proven to be an excellent platform that will suit all types of business requirements. Designing the most unique solution that will fit your business needs while getting the most of the enterprise resource planning ERP software. So, you should ask your enterprise resource planning ERP vendor to customize a system that might include switching on specific features, adding needed fields, and much more. Also, you can customize your ERP platform with some integrated features as well as plugins.

▸ Secure Your Enterprise Resource Planning ERP System 

Undoubtedly, ERP systems are developing each day just like other software. Hence, it is crucial to ask your ERP vendor about the future of the enterprise resource planning ERP systems. Also, to what extent we need to invest in research and development is also a matter of concern. Considering these concerns would be the best way to future-proof your ERP systems so that it emerges as the evolving ecosystem that would adapt to the new advancements in business technology platform.

▸ Think of Integrated Platforms 

Integrating ERP systems can improve the overall business efficiency by adding some additional features to the tool. Integration is the best way to link 2 different applications and while allowing them to speak to one another in a better way. However, common ERP systems integrations may include numerous factors including CRM, SCM, WMS, and more.

▸ Establish a Cross-Functional Team 

To have a better implementation process, considering particular employees from various departments would be specific. This will make sure that all the prime areas of the business are touched accurately while helping with feedback from various teams who would utilize the system. This is how all the functions of your business would integrate with your enterprise resource planning software where every department will be apparently involved in the deployment process of the software.

▸ The Total Cost Of Ownership To Consider 

Having an ERP system requires a big investment and that’s why setting up an accurate system would require considering the total cost of ownership. This helps in deciding the type of ERP you need for business processes. It is a fact that software needs a huge investment due to various  of ERP cost factors such as maintenance, internal resource use, along with updated future costs.

Support Mobile Applications

The most advanced ERP solution would have a device app for Android as well as an iOS platform since it has a number of benefits for customers. These apps possess enhanced accessibility along with improved visibility for ERP systems. With them, your employees can also access pivotal information easily. So, irrespective of the location and time, they can stay updated with all business processes.

▸ Take Advice From the Seniors

Having smooth communication with the head management persons is quite essential since it promotes proper resource planning. This is one of the most important success factors while the implementation process of an ERP system.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Using ERP Software

Now let’s deep dive into the actual steps to start using your ERP:

User Login →
Log in to the ERP system using your credentials.
Navigation →
Familiarize yourself with the main menus &navigation options.
Dashboard Overview →
Explore dashboard to access modules and features.
Module Selection →
Data Input & Retrieval →
Update & Retrieve information from the system when required.
Task Execution →
Complete tasks like creating invoices, or generating reports.
Workflow Management →
Follow established workflows for approvals and processes.
Document Upload and Sharing →
Upload and share documents within the system.
Customization →
Customize settings, preferences, and layouts to match workflow.
Error Handling →
Troubleshoot and resolve errors encountered during tasks.
Security Awareness →
Adhere to security protocols to protect sensitive data.
Logging Out →
Log out of the ERP system after completing your tasks.

Wrapping Up

A number of businesses leverage ERP software and very few of them focus on making the highest potential out of the system. However, gaining a precise understanding of the overall business processes as well as capabilities should be on the top list. Remember, an enterprise resource planning system is a crucial tool for businesses since it can help you achieve a greater level of efficiency, boost productivity, and greater profitability.

Also, managers should also consider pivotal factors such as calling seniors onboard, making different implementation plans, updating the systems, providing training, and more. If all the required factors are precisely covered, it is pretty sure that an efficacious system will offer you a dynamic ROI in the long run.

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